COVID-19 Safety Protocol:

  • Our waiting rooms are now open for all patients. Please enter the office to check-in.
  • Masks are optional.
    • However, there are a few exceptions where masks are required.
      • Marks are required by those who are suspected of having a respiratory infection or who have or have recently had symptoms of a respiratory infection, such as cough.
      • Masks are required if a patient, guest, or APDerm teammate asks that masks are worn in the patient’s exam room or when in close proximity to them.
      • Masks are required if the local and/or state public health regulations require that masks be worn in healthcare facilities.
  • All patients will be screened for COVID-19 exposure:
    • Do you have a new onset of a fever, cough, shortness of breath/difficulty breathing, fatigue, chills, nausea, muscle aches, loss of taste, loss of smell, sore throat, congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea or headache?
      • If yes, your appointment will need to be rescheduled at least 5 days out from that date.
      • If no, your appointment will continue as usual.
    • Have you been diagnosed with COVID-19, suspected of having COVID-19, or been directly exposed to a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 5 days?
      • Diagnosed with COVID: If no, your appointment will continue as usual.
      • Diagnosed with COVID: If yes, your appointment must be rescheduled 5 days after your symptoms begun or positive COVID 19 Test.
      • Suspected or Confirmed  Prolonged Exposure: If yes, unprotected and extended exposure, your appointment will need to be rescheduled at least 5 days out as long as you are not experiencing symptoms.
      • Suspected or Confirmed Exposure: If no, your appointment will continue as usual.

Prolonged exposure is a close contact to anyone who has prolonged close contact (within 6 feet for a cumulative total of 15 minutes over 24 hours) to someone with COVID -19 infection.


As a rule, we follow stringent cleaning and sanitizing procedures at each practice location. We pride ourselves on a clean and safe healthcare environment

APDerm is Committed to Your Safety

Follow the links below to learn more about your states COVID guidelines.
Massachusetts Guidelines
New Hampshire Guidelines
Rhode Island

What are patients saying about our in-office safety protocols?

APDerm surveyed patients who have had recent in-office visits to gauge how we’re doing during these challenging times. The survey asked patients how they felt about APDerm’s safety procedures, and here is how they responded:

  • 98% of patients said they felt Safe or Very Safe during their in-office visit (89% felt Very Safe).
  • 98% of patients would Recommend APDerm to a friend or colleague.
  • 96% of patients said that APDerm’s COVID-19 in-office safety procedures were Great.
  • 95% of patients said the safety protocols during their visit with the provider were Very Easy.

“My office visit went perfectly. Dr. Williams and her medical assistant, Natasha, were professional, courteous, and very aware of the COVID-19 prevention protocol. I safely received excellent care. I provided all insurance information prior to the appointment, so there was no on-site checkout or bill payment.” – Mary

“I was impressed by how comfortable you made me feel. Right down to the nurse squirting the hand sanitizer on my hands as opposed to me touching the pump.”- Virginia

“Without a doubt this has to be the most well run professional Medical experience that I have encountered, the Staff were very friendly from start to finish, I would highly recommend APDerm to all of my associates in my work and personal environment, well done.” – Patrick



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Patient Safety and Care is Our Priority

As we adjust to the new normal and begin to open offices, you can rest assured that your well-being and safety are always our top priority at APDerm. Here are a few things you should know:

Don’t Delay Treatment

There is no reason to delay dermatology care. APDerm is treating urgent care and necessary care patients in the office. We are caring for patients with less serious dermatology issues with teledermatology. Teledermatology is an excellent option to evaluate dermatology issues. Your health is essential.

APDerm is Safe

Working within the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, APDerm has developed stringent policies and procedures to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients, clinicians, and team members.

APDerm is prepared for the new normal. As government guidelines continue to evolve, APDerm will adapt our safety protocols and services to meet the needs of our patients. We will continue to provide you, our patient, exceptional dermatology care in a safe environment.

In response to the COVID crisis, and for your convenience and safety, APDerm offers care through secure dermatologist consultations via phone or video chat for Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island residents. This “virtual care” is just like an in-office appointment with the dermatologists you trust but is available by phone or video.

Learn more about Teledermatology

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  • Convenient Locations Across New England to Serve You
  • Accepting New Patients
  • Low Wait Times
  • Urgent Appointments Available
  • Most Insurances Accepted

25 years of physican-led patient-centered care.

  • Medical Dermatology
  • Cosmetic Dermatology
  • Mohs Surgery
  • In-House Pathology
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Your Family Deserves the Best Care Book an Appointment

Your skin health matters, so don’t delay. Our clinicians look forward to treating you and your family at one of our local New England practices.

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Accessibility: If you are vision-impaired or have some other impairment covered by the Americans with Disabilities Act or a similar law, and you wish to discuss potential accommodations related to using this website, please contact our Accessibility Manager at (978) 371-7010.
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