From Common Irritations to Signs of Underlying Health Issues

The reason that many people panic when they develop a rash is that it can be caused by a multitude of things and speak to your overall health.

They are generally triggered by:

  • An allergic reaction to food, medication or something in the environment
  • An undiagnosed skin disorder
  • An infection or disease

Most rashes, however, are not a cause for major concern and can be managed with antihistamines or lotions containing cortisone.

Some of the most common rashes include:

Many disappear on their own after a few days but ones that become worse or persist should be examined by a doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. Once the cause has been established, a proper treatment plan can be put in place to restore the skin and body for optimal wellbeing. If a rash appears suddenly, spreads all over your body or is accompanied by a fever, make sure that you seek out medical treatment.

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