Do you have some ink and are interested in getting rid of it? This is what you can expect when you decide to go for tattoo removal sessions.

Do you have a tattoo? According to statistics, around 31% of women and 27% of men in the USA have at least one. The same research claims that 92% of people sporting body art have no regrets. This means that there is 8% of the population that does! Fortunately for them, tattoo removal exists!

This treatment is performed using specialized pigment lasers that promote the breakdown of ink in the skin. While results can take a while, for many people, the wait is worth it.

Are you considering getting a tattoo removed? Here’s what you can expect from this safe and effective cosmetic process.

This is what to expect from a tattoo removal session

The area needs to be prepped

You should arrive for your sessions with clean skin, and should also avoid applying any lotions, moisturizers, or oils as these can interfere with the laser’s effectiveness. You might also be required to shave the area before you go for your appointment.

Self-tanning should be avoided

If you are using a UV tanning bed, you should stop completely as it damages your skin. You also shouldn’t go for four weeks before a removal session. Self-tanning skincare products also need to be stopped for at least two weeks prior to treatment.

Self-tanning should be avoided

You’ll probably need a few sessions

Even the smallest tattoo is unlikely to be completely gone with just one session. In most cases, anywhere between eight and 20 is considered normal. For bigger tattoos, more might be necessary. So, be ready to embark on a journey!

The treatment isn’t totally pain-free

People all experience pain differently so it’s impossible to say how painful or not this treatment is. If you want a removal, it’s better to accept that it isn’t a completely pain-free option. You can also have some discomfort, redness and swelling afterwards.

Final results can take a while

Unfortunately, the tattoo removal process isn’t an overnight one. Not only will several sessions be required but it can also take months for your body to respond and break down the ink under the skin. As such, you’ll need to exercise some patience!

Have you got some ink you want to have removed? Click here to schedule an appointment at an APDerm provider near you.

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