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Find Your Nearest APDerm CenterInjectable fillers are a non-invasive way to tackle a multitude of skin concerns. Here’s why they are a staple of aesthetic dermatology.
According to the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery National Databank, over 1.3 million Americans had fillers in 2020, which indicated a 75% increase from the previous year.
We have several factors to thank for this. These include social media influence and celebrities being more candid and forthcoming about how they preserve their youthful complexions. Importantly, people have come to realize that the unflattering social media images of oversized pouts and overfilled cheeks are not the actual purpose of filler procedures. In fact, these injectables are capable of so much more than just beauty enhancements!
Injectable fillers are a non-invasive way to tackle a multitude of skin concerns.
Cosmetic dermatology is being sought out more frequently by those who want to preserve or improve their appearance. Fillers are an excellent tool for treating signs of aging. Some of these include thinning lips, tear troughs, and laugh lines. Usually made using Hyaluronic acid, fillers are injected into the skin to plump and ‘fill’ it for a smooth, youthful complexion.
But fillers are versatile and can rejuvenate your appearance in other ways, too. These include:
When you go to a dermatologist to get fillers. The procedure is generally quick with minimal recovery time. It feels much like other injections although swelling and minor bruising may occur afterward. You should have healed completely with the filler settled into place after two weeks, if not sooner.
Fillers can last between 6 and 12 months. As you get more filler over time, the lines will gradually become more smooth as your body generates its own collagen in response.
Looking for a dermatologist to advise you on fillers? Click here to find an APDerm physician who specializes in cosmetic dermatology at a location near you.