Are you considering Kybella to enhance the silhouette of your neck and chin? Here’s what you need to know about this innovative treatment.

There have been many innovations in the field of dermatology. We are now able to treat most medical and a wide variety of cosmetic concerns. This helps patients to rejuvenate their complexion and keep it healthy and radiant. They can also address specific issues commonly associated with aging or our lifestyles. One area of the body that takes a knock both from the reduction in skin laxity as we age and also the fact that we are constantly staring down at our gadgets in a phenomenon known as ‘tech neck’ is our chin. Fortunately, there is a dermatological solution to improve its silhouette, and it’s called Kybella.


Are you looking to smooth and shape your neck and chin with Kybella? Here are four things you need to know about this revolutionary treatment:

It’s non-surgical and heals quickly

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid and it breaks down fat at the site where it is injected. While you can expect some swelling and bruising after treatment, this should subside significantly after 48 hours.

No downtime is required post-treatment

Something that makes this injectable a game-changer is that you can have a session during your lunch break and return to work. Sessions are performed in an outpatient setting and last around 20 – 30 minutes and no downtime is required.

The results are permanent

You will need to undergo a course of Kybella injections in order to achieve the desired results. Appointments should be spaced at least a month apart. Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are gone, making the results permanent.

The drug is FDA-approved

While there are minor side effects associated with this treatment, namely swelling and bruising, it is safe and is the only injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of this area that has been approved by the FDA.

Do you want to find out if you are a good candidate for Kybella? Click here to find an APDerm location near you that offers this treatment

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