
APDerm® Provides Teledermatology and Urgent Care Services During COVID-19 to Ensure Patient and Staff Safety

To help ensure patient and staff safety, APDerm®, the largest physician-led dermatology practice in New England, is offering virtual visits to patients in lieu of in-office visits. The telehealth services, known as Teledermatology or Telederm, allow for expedited virtual care...

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Know your Coverage: Dermatology and Health Insurance

Understanding dermatology and health insurance may seem complicated. Yet, your skin journeys with you throughout life and many people avoid or overlook going to the dermatologist because they don't know if their health insurance will cover it.Sure, a yearly skin cancer sc...

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Poison Ivy – the Green Monster

While we are home during this COVID-19 pandemic, we are getting outside for a variety of activities as best we can while practicing social distancing. Me, well, I am an avid gardener, and one of my favorite times is early spring. Sedum plants erupt from the earth. Bleeding heart...

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Teledermatology and Insurance Coverage – Frequently Asked Questions

As a result of the recent COVID-19 crisis, most insurance companies are now covering the cost of telehealth or teledermatology. APDerm and its dermatology centers implemented teledermatology after making the decision to close our practices to protect the safety and well being of...

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What is Teledermatology and Why is it Perfect During these Crazy Times?

On Saturday, after a hard day of yard work around the house, you go to take a shower. While drying off, you notice that your elbows still have a rash that occasionally itches. You were unable to take time off work to go to the dermatologist's office. Now, you are wondering...

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