
When is a Spot More than a Cosmetic Concern?

Many people have skin spots that they don't like. These spots could be a mole on the face, a birthmark on the body, or something more worrisome, like skin cancer, or a pre-cancerous growth. These may be new or irregular growths. During this crisis, it can be hard for patie...

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Mohs Surgery – A Micrographic Procedure For Skin Cancer

Despite nationwide skin cancer campaigns preaching the benefits of sunscreen and skin exams, skin cancer ranks No. 1 as the most common form of cancer in the United States. A skin cancer diagnosis often catches people off guard, especially in later decades, but Mohs surgery has...

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A Skin Cancer Guide For Veterans & Active Military Personnel

Skin cancer usually isn't the first thing that comes to mind when people consider the potential health risks associated with military service. However, studies show active duty military and veterans, especially those in earlier wars, have an increased risk for skin cancer...

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5 tips to prevent skin cancer

Findings from the Skin Cancer Foundation show that one in every five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime.That's a scary statistic - and one that makes it incredibly important to establish a trusting relationship with your dermatologist. There are va...

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Yearly Skin Exam

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, skin cancer affects one out of every five Americans. More than three and a half million new cases are diagnosed each year, which is why it's so important that you have an annual skin exam. While your family doctor or g...

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The Dangers of Tanning

Jaime Regen Rea went from a self-proclaimed tanning addict to a melanoma patient in just a couple of years. She died just three weeks shy of her 30th birthday.Because her family believes no one should die from a tan, some family members share Jaime's emotional story in th...

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Shedding Light on Acne and Rosacea

In the 1950s x-rays were used to destroy the oil glands that cause acne. Today lasers are being tried to target either oil glands or bacteria that both play a role in acne. This interest in using lasers has been prompted by a rise in antibiotic resistance, side effects of oral a...

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Early Detection with At-Home Skin Checks and the ABCDEs of Melanoma

More than one million people will be diagnosed with skin cancer this year. Catching irregularities early is imperative.Typically, when you discover and remove skin cancer early, it is highly curable. Many put this simple task off because it seems like a nuisance or they don&rsq...

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How to Apply Sunscreen By the American Academy of Dermatology

Sunscreen is safe and can protect your skin against skin cancer and premature aging. However, sunscreen is not as effective if applied incorrectly. Follow these tips from dermatologists when applying sunscreen:Choose a sunscreen that has an SPF of 30 or higher, is water...

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Spotting Local Skin Cancers

Did you know that local skin cancers are the most common form of human cancer?Each year in the U.S., more than five million skin cancers are diagnosed. Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma skin cancers typically develop in chronically sun-exposed areas. In contrast...

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