
Why do women experience acne during menopause?

Do you think that acne is just a teenage problem? Think again! Here's why it affects women during menopause and tips to keep it under control.Acne is the most common skincare condition. It affects around 50 million Americans each year, with 85% of them being between the a...

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Can dermatologists remove acne scars permanently?

Mild cases of acne can be frustrating and affect your self-esteem, but chronic or cystic acne can leave lasting scars. The good news is you don't have to live with the scars long after puberty or even regular PMS or stress-induced breakouts.Dermatologists have many tools...

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How Birth Control Affects the Skin

If you're a teenager or a woman in perimenopause, you’re likely dealing with a host of symptoms related to fluctuating hormones. You might have sought help from your doctor or been prescribed birth control to improve acne, PMS symptoms, and other health concerns. Or...

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Maskne – How To Treat And Prevent The New Acne

In recent months, masks have become a necessary accessory to help stop the spread of coronavirus. But annoying skin conditions and acne can accompany masking up, and a condition called maskne is on the rise.Perhaps you are a nurse, grocery store clerk, or construction worker an...

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Back To School – A Skincare Guide For Teenagers

While it's almost impossible to get through your teen years without at least a few complaints about your skin, there are some things you can do to keep your complexion looking its best. Here’s our back to school list of tips and advice for keeping your skin healthy a...

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Acne: Tips for Managing

You can reduce your acne by following these skin care tips from dermatologists.Wash twice a day and after sweating. Perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, can make acne worse. So, wash your skin as soon as possible after sweating.Use your fingertips to apply a...

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