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Find Your Nearest APDerm CenterJune is Vitiligo Awareness Month. Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition that can take an emotional toll on those with the disease.
Clinically, vitiligo presents as patches of skin that lose their pigment and turn bright white. It can negatively affect self esteem and can be hard to disguise, especially if it spreads over large areas of the body.
If you’ve been diagnosed with vitiligo, you’ll have areas of skin that turn white with defined margins. Vitiligo typically starts on the feet, hands, or face with small, barely visible patches. Pigment loss is progressive and can affect other parts of the body. This includes your hair, eyelids, and inside your mouth, nose, and ears.
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder. The body’s own immune cells attack the pigment producing cells, melanocytes, causing them to die and no longer produce pigment. It is unclear as to why some people develop vitiligo, but there is believed to be a genetic component. Symptoms usually present before a person turns 21 years old.
Vitiligo can be associated with:
While vitiligo sometimes accompanies an underlying autoimmune disorder, it does not affect your overall health. That said, it does affect your appearance and can induce depression or negatively impact your self-esteem. You may experience a variety of emotions, including:
In particular, young people who often struggle to fit in and already feel self-conscious can experience social isolation and emotional problems due to vitiligo. This can lead to a wide range of emotions and impact one’s ability to go about normal daily activities and feel comfortable in social situations.
Vitiligo can be hard to live with, but these tips can help you cope, take charge of your health, and maintain a positive attitude:
The goal of treatment in vitiligo is to decrease immune system activation within the skin. This can lead to regeneration of pigment cells. The stem cells that turn into melanocytes live in hair follicles so repigmentation typically presents around hair follicles. That said, areas without many hair follicles – lips, hands, knees – are harder to treat.
Treatment options for vitiligo include:
Although research is ongoing, vitiligo has no cure. If you have vitiligo, you will have it for the rest of your life. Changes in pigmentation may be reversed or reduced through medical treatments, but some of these treatments can have serious side effects. The goal is learning to manage your symptoms and outbreaks – and your mindset – so you can live a fulfilling and active life!
APDerm offers a variety of medical, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology services. Our caring and experienced board-certified dermatologists will work with you to develop the best treatment plan. Contact APDerm to learn more about vitiligo or schedule an appointment today!
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