Are you experiencing hair loss and want to explore your options? Here are five things to know about hair restoration before you make an appointment.

There are many reasons why we might start to experience hair loss. It could be pattern balding, which boils down to genetics. It could be other factors, ranging from your stress levels to hormonal changes to the hairstyles you wear. Whatever the reason, there are ways to go about restoring your locks to their former fullness. This is known as hair restoration and the results can restore not just your hair but your confidence, too!

Are you curious about what hair restoration entails and whether it’s right for you? Here are five facts about this revolutionary way to breathe new life into your locks.

5 things you need to know about hair restoration

Are you suffering with hair loss?

Fact #1: Yes, the results can look 100% natural

Hair restoration has come a long way and the obvious hair plugs of old are long gone. Instead, patients can expect the visibility just post-procedure to be minimal and, once your new hairs grow in, it will look like the rest of your strands.

Fact #2: Patients experience minimal discomfort

Not only are there few to no scars left behind post-treatment, but patients can expect to feel only minimal discomfort and some swelling for two to five days after their procedure. New regrowth can be expected within three to four months.

Fact #3: Transplants can be used alongside other techniques

It’s not just hair transplants themselves that can be used to restore your hair. There are other dermatological treatments that can be used alone or alongside hair restoration procedures to encourage new growth. An example is platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, injections.

Fact #4: It will take time to see the final result

This procedure is not like many other cosmetic treatments that deliver instant results. For hair restoration, it’s a waiting game. How long will you wait to see the final result? As long as your hair normally takes to grow!

Fact #5: The results of this treatment are permanent

Once you have achieved the final result, the good news is that it is here to stay! It is one of the most permanent treatments available but, that being said, there can be no guarantees as it all comes down to the condition of your scalp.

Considering PRP for your hair loss? Make an appointment at your nearest APDerm location to discuss your options or call us at (978) 315-5707. Available at select locations.

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